In the basketball world, the number 23 is significant. It represents a particular player who was a genius, hard worker, & had a tremendous love for the game. Who am I talking about you ask? None other than Michael Jordan. 🙂 Michael’s impact on my life from a basketball standpoint is that he fueled my love for the game. I was born during the Bulls Era in 1992 but couldn’t really experience the greatness of Jordan until I was older and old replays and youtube became available. In 2003, and right before Lebron James came on the scene, Jordan had one more stint in the NBA playing for the Washington Wizards (my current favorite team) and I got to see him….he didn’t play in this game however but the fact he was in the building supporting his team showed his true leadership. Jordan is an inspiration to me because through adversity and people discouraging him he never let up. He let his actions speak for him. From personal experience, my junior year in high school I dealt with a very hard teacher. It was so bad to the point that my parents had to get involved over a grade mind you. The teacher I dealt with was very rude,belligerent, and disrespectful. However, I on the other remained respectful and continued to do the required work for the course with no complaint while this situation was being handled. At times during my junior year I felt like I was going to crack and not be able to overcome this advanced class ( which I had also taken the year prior with same teacher). To hear a teacher say “you have caused me hell” or ” your parents shouldn’t be advocating for you” really hurt and tore me down on the inside but I never let it show. I eventually was able to get switched out and into a better class. I overcame my adversity and the harsh words my former teacher said to me during my big state exam. I ended up scoring a 596/600 which was a passed advanced and almost a perfect score and proved to her and not only myself that I was capable of doing advanced classwork. I said all that to say this sometimes you don’t have to say much, your work will silence your doubters. Throughout history, Jordan silenced his doubters from being cut from his high school team to becoming one of the wealthiest men in the country right now. Actions speak louder than words, and whatever adversity you may face; keep your head up and push through! You will be victorious in the end. Michael is one of my favorites because he was innovative and creative from a clothing line to his Jordan shoe brand, which are still very popular today even though they are older models re-released. lol Michael has been a role model for me and to properly understand and recognize a true lover of the game. We should all want to aspire to overcome our adversities and follow our dreams. You never know where life may take you. Jordan retired in 2003, a 6- time NBA Champion, Hall of Famer, and one of the greatest players ever to play the game of basketball..Who is your #23?
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